Wednesday, March 30, 2011

it's ok, i know the Artist

I received a message from a friend which was rather cryptic. It was a collection of fragmented answers to questions I'd asked, and as I glanced over it I struggled to piece together the meaning. But there was one line, though, that halted me immediately.. "it's ok, I know the artist"

"It's ok, I know the artist."

The meaning of her message eventually become clear, she was referring to a photograph she owned, but the line, out of context, has stayed with me.

How true this is! Despite the confusion of life, the lack of meaning, the days seemingly void of purpose, or the restless wandering I so often find myself in the middle of, it's ok, I know the Artist.

The Artist who designed this journey I stumbled through, the Artist who painted the sky, who shaped the earth I so greatly wish to travel, the Artist whose hands carved out a path which leads to where my feet rest today. The Artist, who carefully placed each desire of my heart in the heart He handcrafted. The Artist who understands the reasons, the whys, and best of all, the Mysteries of this life.

Life so often is like an abstract painting that crowds stare at. Some glance at it, don't understand, and move on, others judge it, frustrated they can't make logical sense of the lines, the colors or the lack of these, while others are held captive by its beauty, its freedom, its movement; marveling at the inspiration it sprung from and gracefully acknowledging that they could never quite dream up something quite like the creation before them.

I hope to be like the last - at peace because although I don't understand the artwork, I do know the Artist.

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