Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Balloons Over Bend

Balloons Over Bend, Amanda Mae Images, Wedding Photographer
 I had the exciting job of photographing Balloons Over Bend for a client who was surprising her husband with a hot air balloon ride for their 25th anniversary. They came over to Bend, Oregon from Eugene for the 6am launch. Before this photo shoot I never thought I'd wake up at 5am to watch balloons fly away, but I may just do it again. Watching the rainbow of balloons float gracefully over the Old Mill District was a treat worth waking up for.
Balloons Over Bend, Amanda Mae Images, Wedding Photographer

Balloons Over Bend, Amanda Mae Images, Wedding Photographer

Balloons Over Bend, Amanda Mae Images, Wedding Photographer

Balloons Over Bend, Amanda Mae Images, Wedding Photographer

Balloons Over Bend, Amanda Mae Images, Wedding Photographer

Balloons Over Bend, Amanda Mae Images, Wedding Photographer

Balloons Over Bend, Amanda Mae Images, Wedding Photographer

Balloons Over Bend, Amanda Mae Images, Wedding Photographer

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